Our Westies
HEY! Check us OUT!
Check out our new litters and the cutest West Highland White Terrier Puppies you'll ever see.
Enjoy them, have a laugh while watching how they do silly things.
Hall of Fame
Wild Look Of New Star (Izzy)
In 2012 Wild Look Of New Star became Montenegro, Cyprus and Moldova Champion.
In 2014 she became Romania Champion.
In 2015 Izzy became Romania Champion Cum Laudae, Bulgaria Champion and International Champion.
Wild Look of Rebellion (Jackie)
October 2014 Wild Look of Rebellion became Swedish Champion.
September 2016 she became Romania Champion.
November 2016 Jackie became Danish Champion, Nordic Winner 2016
and International Champion.
Huge congratulations to the owners: Anette Rudenstam and Morgan Granander!
Wild Look Of Shakespeare
Wild Look Of Shakespeare became in April 2013 Canada Champion and till July 2013 he won his 10th Best Puppy on Group and remains the Top West Highland White Terrier puppy in Canada. 😉