About Wild Look - West Highland White Terrier Kennel

My name is Bogdan Buzatu, I am a veterinarian and I love dogs. I am also the owner of the Wild Look Kennel - the oldest West Highland White Terrier Kennel in Romania.
From my childhood I’ve had a big passion for animals. When I was a child I have always been surrounded by dogs, fish and birds and my room became a little zoo. In 2003 a beautiful Husky female came into my life, her name was Crisia and I participated with her at our first dog shows. Together we managed to obtain exceptional results, even from our first shows.
Our Kennel was founded in 2004 and registered in Romanian Stud Book by Romanian Kennel Club member of Federation Cynologique International (FCI).
Since 2004, I have concentrated on breeding and showing Westies and have had some very good results attaining championship titles in many countries as: Moldova, Bulgaria, Montenegro, San Marino, Cyprus, Turkey. I have exported Westies to Sweden, Italy, Thailand, Canada, Switzerland and many of these have become champions in their new countries. At home in Romania, I've had many champions, group winners and Best In Show winner as well. I have imported dogs from some of the top kennels in Europe and have bred to many top winning dogs to incorporate those bloodlines into the Wild Look Westies I have today.
I would like to thank you and invite you to meet my four-legged friends in the Photo Gallery and in the videos from the next pages.